Welcome to the July table of the month of ourhousefordinnerblog. First, I want to thank those of you who sent comments. As I suspected many of you have memories and are happy to share. I especially enjoyed Susan's from Pennsylvania story about her family's trip to Pallman's Farm. In June, they spent the day picking strawberries, taking them home, making jelly, and then serving the home made jam for dinner. What a wonderful story and a testimony to the warmth of family dinners.
I am certain after reading this blog on July and seeing this month's table, my comment box will be filled with similar thoughts.
For who can forget the fun of summer's first holiday!
The day that begins with the raising of many flags, the sound of drums beating out the excitement of recognition of freedom and independence. Store fronts display plenty of red, white, and blue, and Main Street is covered with bunting of all shapes and sizes . Stoves are cold, grills are hot, and backyards fill up with family and friends. Before setting the table for this special occasion, I roamed the isles of such stores as the Christmas Tree Shoppe. and TJ Max looking for the perfect tablecloth. I knew I wanted one that had a patriotic look, evoked happy memories of a Fourth of July spent at a lake, watching fireworks at local football fields, or the people who made those special foods we associate with summer and fun, like my Aunt Clair's chocolate cake! The patchwork quilt seen on the table another TJ Max find, is it, and the first thing I reach for when I was ready to set the stage.
A simple thing like red, white, and blue stars attached to twine that ties navy and white napkins together adds a festive touch.
The twine was saved from a birthday present a few years ago.
Remember, never throw anything away!

The silver bowl, a gift from a very dear friend, proved not to be too formal for the lake. Rather, the perfect touch to add to the festive mood.
Great job