Sunday, June 16, 2013

    Three pages in the local paper had pictures of fathers and their children.
A far cry from the weighty paper that appears on Mother's Day.
Sunday ads speak loudly for the "perfect gift" for the man of the house who needs another tool or gadget for the yard.
And many a man is busy holding a tie saying this is just what I needed while the vision of a golf club dances in his head.
And while he might dream of getting a little rest while pretending he is reading the paper, casting his fly fishing rod, reading a book, or even getting in a round of golf, more than likely he will be firing up the grill.
After all, it is Fathers' Day and the family is getting together, and who handles the grill better than dad!
And so it goes for fathers on Fathers' Day, surrounded by those who love them and for whom they do so much.
Often what they do goes unnoticed and is not really thought of unless it does not get done.
But the interesting thing about fathers is they understand that. They do what is expected and truely what they expect of themselves without a lot of fanfare.
They are steady and steadfast in their duties.
They work hard but find time to make it to our games, provide the car, or serve as our late night pickup when a ride is needed. 
They are the go to guy when mon just does not understand.
And while many of them do not often express their feeling, their very presence says it all.
We are able to explore the world, find our place in it, and move forward, because we are confident that we have a person and a place to fall back on should we have the need.
Fathers give us that.
What greater gift.
Happy Father's Day to all fathers, most especially my father, the late John Hennemuth, whose devotion to me and my siblings is remembered today and always, and to the father of my children, the late Alan Sweeney
They are the best because you gave them the best.